A review by constantreader471
Who Cries for the Lost by C.S. Harris


4 stars for book 18 in an excellent historical mystery fiction series, set in Regency Britain. This book opens just prior to the battle of Waterloo. Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin and heir to Lord Hendon, a member of the British cabinet, has been offering his help to the British authorities in solving murders throughout this series.
This book opens with Devlin going to his friend Paul Gibson to witness a postmortem on a body pulled out of the Thames river in London. The man's face has been partially shot off and his penis and testicles have been cut off. Devlin starts investigating w/o pay and raises hackles from the killer, who hires assassins to first warn him off, and then try to kill him. Devlin getting attacked and always surviving is a recurring theme in this series. More murders occur before the killer is identified by Devlin in a satisfying ending. Devlin is independently wealthy and does not have to worry about money.
Some people who are involved in helping solve the murders:
Sir Henry Lovejoy, Bow Street Magistrate, in charge of the investigation. In Book 1 he was Devlin's enemy, and was convinced Devlin was a murderer. But now they are old friends who rely on each other .
Hero, Devlin's wife, and daughter of Lord Jarvis, cousin to the Prince Regent, and one of the most powerful men in Britain.
Alexi Sauvage, companion to Paul Gibson. She was an accredited doctor in Italy, but is reduced to midwife status in Britain, because woman doctors are not allowed. She hates Devlin, because he killed her French lover several years before.
Tom, Devlin's tiger, i.e. a teenager who stays with Devlin's curricle(carriage) while he is questioning people.
The author describes some of British society shortcomings, including the practice of hanging poor women whose babies die of malnutrition. She also has spent time researching the clothing worn by the people of the period.
One quote: Earl of Bathurst "He was dressed, as always, in the height of fashion with an elaborately knotted cravat, a dark blue tailcoat with large gold buttons, and tight pale pantaloons."
#WhoCriesfortheLost #NetGalley.
I read this book in 2 days and will continue reading the series. I recommend it to historical mystery fiction fans.
Thanks to Berkley Publishing Group, for sending me this eARC through NetGalley.