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A review by thepeachmartini
Beneath Devil's Bridge by Loreth Anne White


I think it's no secret by now that Loreth Anne White has become one of my favorite authors. While I don't think I liked this one as much as The Maid's Diary or The Patient's Secret, I still enjoyed it quite a bit.

Over the years I have reconsidered how often I listen to true crime podcasts; something just started not sitting well with me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. But this book shines a glaring light on exactly why so many podcasts leave a bad taste in my mouth - so much exploitation of the victims/survivor's families and their stories, all for the sake of what? Popularity? Ratings? Granted, this story took a bit of a different turn, but I still appreciated the fact it made me think about my own consumption of true crime media.

None of the characters in this book are innocent in my eyes - there are dark secrets and lies hidden in each one of their it worth it to dredge that up again after all these years?