A review by eva_voorheis
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bad Bargain by Diana G. Gallagher


Okay, judge me all you like for reading this, but I just recently remembered that I read almost every single Buffy book I could get my hands on at the local library when I was a kid. This one was my absolute favorite, and I rediscovered it on my bookshelf this week! I have literally no idea why I was so enamored with this one in particular. The writing is that specific brand of YA cringe-tastic you only get from books written by grown adults trying to sound like lovably dorky teenagers, it was full of needless references to the show (so the author could prove they had... seen it? idk), and I can't say I love how they treated Willow in this one. But, for the nostalgia, for the concept, and for the simple fact that I really felt like I was at a cursed Sunnydale rummage sale in the late 90s, I think it deserves four stars.