A review by justmevictoria
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan


Another fantastic adventure with Percy and Annabeth, filled with Gods, monsters and comedy.

Just as Percy finishes up seventh grade before the summer, he is attacked by cannibal giants, and is rescued by Annabeth. Heading off to Camp Half-Blood, Percy brings his friend Tyson, who turns out the be a baby Cyclops. Upon arriving at Camp, Percy discovers that Thalia's tree has been poisoned and is slowly dying, resulting in the borders around Camp weakening. There is only one way to save the tree and the Camp - the Golden Fleece - but no one has seen it in thousands of years. However, Percy's new psychic link to Grover, who is still on the search for Pan and in grave danger, allows him to find the location of the Fleece, so he, Annabeth and Tyson head off to the Sea of Monsters. It's not an easy adventure, with Luke also tracking down the fleece to bring back the Titan Cronus from the pits of Underworld.

I can't believe it has taken me so long to get around to this second book! Once again, Rick Riordan delivers a fun-filled adventure for Percy and Annabeth, delving into more Greek Mythology along the way. Percy continues to be a hilarious narrator, and one who is such a joy to read.

The story was filled with some fun and intriguing twists and turns. Unlike the first book, this instalment ended on a great plot twist and cliffhanger, that will obviously come into play throughout the rest of the series. Percy's story is starting to come together, and the direction of the series is starting to be moulded.

It's easy to see why Percy Jackson and all of Rick Riordan's work is so highly praised - he is able to weave such an interesting story, incorporating various aspects of Greek Mythology. Like the first book, he doesn't try to cram as much mythology in as possible, just focusing on pieces relevant to the story at hand. No matter what level of knowledge you have about Greek Mythology, you will be able to understand and follow the story, and learn along the way.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this second instalment, which didn't suffer from the second book slump. If you are looking for a fun fantasy adventure, and like Greek Mythology, you should definitely pick up this series if you haven't already (but since I'm literally one of the last people on earth to read these books, you probably already know how great they are!).

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