A review by tx2its
How to Kidnap the Rich by Rahul Raina


Reading 2021
Book 72: How to Kidnap the Rich by Rahul Raina

Real Simple magazine had a big spread on books for summer reading and this title was included on the list. We also had this book on our voting list for IRL book club. This book caught my eye as something different. Also, Kidnap fulfills one of the prompts for the Read More 2021 challenge I am working through.

Ramesh is a kid from a lower caste in India, the son of a tea cart operator. Rudi is a kid from an upper caste with parents that can pay to have someone take his All India exams. This is where the fun and hijinks begins. Rudi and Ramesh are linked for some over the top rollercoaster ride of being kidnapped, kidnapping others, and all around ridiculousness.

This book was over the top in every way. Suspend your belief, and get on this wild ride. Not a book for everyone, I really enjoyed the ridiculous story. Fun read. 4⭐.