A review by rdyourbookcase
City Love by Susane Colasanti


Well, nuts. I raced to read City Love so I could review the sequel via E-Galley, and I failed. The E-Galley EXPIRED. Oh, a book bloggers worst nightmare!

So at first the narration in the novel absolutely drove me crazy. I think it was too accurately reflecting teen girls’ voices. Once I got used to that, it was ok. I got the feeling that City Love was Susane Colasanti’s love letter to New York City. Additionally, the romance was a little too swoony and too easy. Overall, I would describe it as syrupy. While a grown woman (I suppose that’s what I am, even though it doesn’t feel like that) found it unrealistic and annoying, I think teen girls would love it. Honestly, I think it was written more for older teens, judging by the age of the characters and some of the content, but I have a feeling that younger teens would love it more. Basically, there’s a romantic storyline for almost every type of romance in this book. At the end, reality did come crashing down a little bit, but not so much that it would ruin the story for readers.

In general, I liked it well enough, and I’ll probably read the sequel, but teen girls really are the audience for City Love.