A review by aanderson5206
Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate by Justin Lee


This is a book for “Side A” and “Side B” Christians who long to break free from the culture war between the gays and the Christians and seek to live out the great commandement to love one another. While Lee does briefly go over the exegetical arguments for God blessing gay unions, that’s not the point of this book. The point is to bridge the gap between people with incredibly different beliefs and tell the story we should never forget to tell — that of Jesus.

Lee tells of us struggle as “God boy” who discovered that he was gay, despite years of fighting those feelings. He dismisses the idea that he chose his orientation, and describes his commitment to fighting against it. He tells of the horror of “exgay” ministries, tells how societal depictions of the gay lifestyle did not align with his own Christian choices. He comes to the defense of those who dismissed him, rejected him, and abused him even when he was choosing celibacy. Lee’s story is full of honesty and heartbreak as he earnestly seeks out the truth.

I highly recommend this book. Lee unveils some of the harmful messages and attitudes of the Church toward the LGBT community, and reveals ways that we Christians can love our queer brother and sisters in Christ. Yes, whether we do or do not agree with the exegetical arguments and chose the more traditional beliefs about gay unions.

Of note — Lee’s theology leaves room for Christians and churches who remain “Side B” despite reading his arguments. But it is not acceptable to teach “Side B” theology while idolizing marriage and calling gay orientations a choice. Chapter 10, The Way Forward, examines ways that churches can love the LGBT community which is assuredly in their midst in a variety of contexts.

I am tired of Christians espousing a “plain reading” of scripture when they apply an argument of cultural context to the issues which inconvenience them. I firmly believe that one cannot oppose a movement or idea without educating oneself on WHY the movement thinks what they think. Read this book with an open mind and heart, ready for the spirit to move. Discover how even an incredibly conservative view of scripture as infallible can lead to a wide variety of interpretations. Whether or not you ultimately accept the arguments is not actually the point. The point is that you listen. Central to the gospel is the love Jesus has for us all. Love your LGBT brothers and sisters. Give this book a read.