A review by hereisbridget
Arranged by Lexi Blake


Wow! tbh, I did not expect to like Arranged as much as I did (only b/c I didn't remember Kash all that well...whoops). But I didn't just like it, I LOVED it. Kash and Day's story, while it still takes place in the Masters and Mercenaries world, stands apart from the series in a way that was refreshing. And don't take that wrong way. I am OBSESSED with the Masters and Mercenaries series (SO GOOD!), but sometimes it's nice to read something a little lighter with a level of suspense that won't cause you to bite your nails down to the bit (gross, I know). Arranged was an enjoyable, refreshing read. Got me out of my reading slump for sure!

Kash can be a stubborn jerk, but I can't really blame him. His life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, as he has suffered a tragedy or two. Underneath the tough playboy exterior, Kash is endearing and sweet, and I love that he's such an advocate for women. He's also the submissive in this BDSM relationship, which made for a fun turn of events. He Dommes, Day, is a baddass. I loved seeing her grow from the slight mouse of a girl in the prologue to the strong, fierce, independent woman ready to go full-on battle mode with not only Kash's crazy ex but also the stuffy old men of parliament. Day is the real deal. A queen in all senses of the word.

I was really happy to see more of the Taggart crew, too. Ian is bae. I just <3 him and his sense of humor so much. And now I'm seriously chomping at the bit for Brody's story, and Drew Lawless's story! I just absolutely love the world Lexi Blake has created with the Masters and Mercenaries series, and I recommend to all romance readers. Arranged is a winner!