A review by brij_nanavati
The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson


The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson

Short Summary:

"The Girl Who Played with Fire" is the second novel in Stieg Larsson's Millennium series. It follows the story of Lisbeth Salander, a brilliant hacker with a troubled past, and Mikael Blomkvist, an investigative journalist. The plot delves deeper into Lisbeth's mysterious background while unraveling a complex web of corruption and criminal activity. As Lisbeth becomes a suspect in a triple murder case, she must clear her name and confront her dark history.

Trigger Warnings: (strongly for 18+ or rated R)

Violence: Graphic depictions of violence, including murder and assault.

Sexual Assault: Explicit scenes of sexual abuse and rape, also some Lesbian sex scene.

Child Abuse: References and depictions of past abuse.

Mental Health Issues: Exploration of trauma and psychological distress.


Lisbeth Salander: A skilled hacker with a photographic memory, known for her resourcefulness and resilience. Her complex character is both fierce and vulnerable.

Mikael Blomkvist: A dedicated journalist committed to uncovering the truth, Blomkvist plays a crucial role in investigating the crimes and supporting Lisbeth.

Dragan Armansky: Lisbeth's employer at Milton Security, who is deeply concerned about her welfare.

Zala: A shadowy figure from Lisbeth’s past, whose true identity and connection to her are central to the plot.

Miriam Wu: Lisbeth’s close friend and occasional lover, who becomes involved in the unfolding drama.

Supporting Cast: The novel features a well-developed supporting cast that enriches the story. Characters like Erika Berger, Dragan Armansky, and Holger Palmgren provide additional perspectives and contribute to the narrative’s depth.

My Thoughts:

Stieg Larsson crafts a gripping and intricate narrative that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. The novel excels in character development, particularly with Lisbeth Salander, whose enigmatic personality is both fascinating and sympathetic. The themes of justice, revenge, and corruption are interwoven seamlessly, creating a dark yet compelling story.

Storytelling of the Author:

Larsson's storytelling is meticulous and multi-layered. His ability to blend intense action sequences with detailed investigative journalism adds depth to the narrative. The pacing is well-balanced, alternating between fast-paced chases and slower, introspective moments. Larsson's attention to detail and his knack for creating suspense make this novel a standout in the crime thriller genre.

Additional Points:

Pacing: The novel maintains a steady rhythm, with enough twists and turns to keep readers engaged throughout.

Themes: Explores themes of power, corruption, and the quest for justice, while also delving into personal trauma and resilience.

Writing Style: Larsson's prose is clear and descriptive, providing vivid imagery without overwhelming the reader.

Social Commentary: The novel offers critical insights into societal issues, including systemic corruption and the failures of the legal system.

Continuity: As a sequel, it builds effectively on the foundation laid by "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," expanding the overarching narrative while introducing new elements.

Overall, "The Girl Who Played with Fire" is a thrilling and thought-provoking novel that delivers deep into its characters' psyches and the dark underbelly of society. Highly recommended for fans of thrillers and crime fiction with a strong, complex heroine.