A review by charisanorris
Firebrand by Kristen Britain


4.5 stars!

This was such a wonderful return to Sacoridia after Mirror Sight. While my heart aches for Karigan and all she endured, each trial just shapes her and makes her stronger. I can't wait to see what will happen in Winterlight.

I liked that while the story focused mainly on Second Empire, we still got tie-ins from mirror sight and I can see how that book had a purpose in the overall plot. I also enjoyed getting more Zachary chapters and seeing him in different situations other than a king in a castle.

I took a half star off because even though Zachary and Karigan love each other, he is married and I didn't like that they cheated, both emotionally and with a kiss. I'm just not a fan of that dynamic, even though a part of me does feel bad for them.