A review by ameserole
The Unbalanced Equation by H.L. Macfarlane


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Unbalanced Equation was pretty easy to devour. The only problem for me was finally finding the time to sit down and write the actual review. Did I have to skim through it for a little bit just to get the creative juices flowing? Yes, yes, I did, and I have zero regrets about it.

In this, you will meet Tom and Liz. At first glance, I guess you could say that they were enemies. It truly doesn't help that he ignored her email years ago or that she held a teeny tiny grudge for it either. So, when they finally cross paths, no one knew what to expect. Well, other than the mimosas that is.

Sure, they were attracted to one another but it kind of felt like right person wrong time. All the time. They just clicked and had this vibe that I couldn't help but get along with either. Yet, they would mess up by saying or doing something wrong. It completely frustrated me, but it also made them a bit more realistic.

In the wise words of Hannah Montana, nobody's perfect.

It didn't take long for sparks to finally fly between these two. Then the drama came right around the corner and smacked me. Some of it was okay and interesting, but the snark, sarcasm and banter are what I came here for. It didn't disappoint me one bit and I'm so happy with what I read.

In the end, I really enjoyed these two doing a slow awkward dance around one another. I also hope that she does go with Jerry for the kitten's name.