A review by earthseeddetroit
Good Intentions by Kasim Ali


This was an aching story, full of the weight and complexities of familial expectations and relationships, especially cultural norms/stereotypes/expectations that surround marriage, love, race, religion. The ways we can become entrapped by our fears and our own biases, how its easier to “do nothing” even if that’s something we don’t want to admit to and even when “doing nothing” is a choice too. So many different friendships are also explored in this story and of course a tender love and all its twists and turns.

I appreciated being taken inside of another culture and geographic location to learn a bit more from a different perspective.

There were times, the writing, the dialogue, the sentiments, the relationships…got me. Tears! Multiple times, tears. And anger. I will say the more I thought about this story the angrier I get. Although I understand the flaws of human nature that would make such a story happen. But at what expense? At what expense do we compromise ourselves or compromise others to make us feel whole and loved and wanted??? I don’t think I liked the main character at all. You know… Some people can be really nice but they’re not nice! Even though I think we ultimately did see an arc of growth, he had a long way to go still.

“Good intentions” is a very appropriate title! (And we know where the road paved with good intentions leads.)