A review by theunabridgedlifeofsalamacita
Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover Tawwab


Favorite Quote: “The truth is that unhealthy boundaries will follow you wherever you go unless you learn to verbalize them.”

Ever feel like your biting off more than you can chew and are suddenly inundated with overwhelm? This has been my life for years. Luckily therapy and learning the hard way has helped, and this book was the icing on the cake to help me (and I suspect many others) reclaim my freedom.

Dr. Tawwab delves into how the majority of our problems with stress, time-management, and even relationship issues can be traced back to porous and even at times rigid boundaries.

She divides the book into just about every arena of life including friendships, work, romantic relationships, social media, parents, in-laws, etc.

What I loved most about the book is every boundary and strategy explanation/guidance was followed by bullet points of examples to put into practice in our daily lives.

This book is especially helpful for my enneagram 2w3 as I tend to have problems saying no and always want to achieve more and make others feel comforted, even at the cost of my own energy, so I really think all you enneagram 2s out there will benefit from reading this.

If you only read one self-development book this year, make it this one!