A review by smuttea_matcha
Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton


Of all the myths to be picked to make a story, I was not expecting Medusa. I mean sure I should have seen it with all the mentions of snakes and how Ari's mother went insane because snakes were coming from her head, but I totally forgot this was a Greek-myth type book. It was a pleasant surprise though. It certainly refreshed my knowledge on the Medusa myth. I'm just wondering if we'll see a Perseus come in. I liked the little references to Greek mythology, it added to the book's charm I think. I think the book was a little fast paced though. I think Keaton could have slowed it down a bit to have the characters get to know each other before they jump each other's bones. I mean Sebastian and Ari hardly knew each other and suddenly they're making out. I didn't get a good feel of their chemistry. I knew there was a slight attraction between them, but I didn't really get to see what made them click. I knew that Ari loved Sebastian's lips, I didn't see the appeal in dark lips, I kept getting a weird image of Sebastian in my head that sort of ruined the "hot bad ass" look that Keaton was putting together. Crank was cute, and I wanted to see more of her. She's 13, a self-taught mechanic/handy man, and curses adorably. I don't know how you do it adorably, but she does. I also like the insert of Arachne and the myth she represents. Again, I just love Athena, so I didn't like her as the big baddie, but then again all Gods and Goddesses are assholes in the end because they're the higher power. I also like the mention of Persephone (the Goddess of Death that Athena said she killed), another one of my favorite myths and goddesses, so maybe Hades will come out of no where and decide he wants vengeance too? I do hope so, I mean I like to romanticize the Hades and Persephone myth. Anyway, reading this book has me itching to play God of War, ha ha. It was a good and quick read, and I'll end up picking up book two soon anyway.