A review by bibliocyclist
The Best American Essays 2015 by Kelly Sundberg, Robert Atwan, Mark Jacobson, Kate Lebo, Ariel Levy, Anthony Doerr, Rebecca Solnit, John Reed, Zadie Smith, David Sedaris, Tiffany Briere, Isaiah Berlin, Philip Kennicott, Margo Jefferson, Cheryl Strayed, Kendra Atleework, Roger Angell, Tim Kreider, Meghan Daum


"I was the ad for what she already had."

"It's an ad for beer, which makes you happy in the special way of all intoxicants, by reshaping reality around a sensation you alone are having. So, even more precisely, the ad means 'Go have a beer and let it make you happy.'"

“The focus is narrow, almost obsessive. Everything that is not absolutely necessary to your happiness has been removed from the visual horizon. The dream is not only of happiness, but happiness conceived in perfect isolation. Find your beach in the middle of the city. Find your beach no matter what else is happening. Do not be distracted from finding your beach. Find your beach even if—as in the case of this wall painting—it is not actually there. Create this beach inside yourself. Carry it with you wherever you go. The pursuit of happiness has always seemed to me a somewhat heavy American burden, but in Manhattan it’s conceived as a peculiar form of duty.”

"Extinction's Alp"

“In England even at the actual beach I cannot find my beach.”

"A reality shaped around your own desires--there is something sociopathic in that ambition."

"You have to crush so many things with your mind vise just to get through the day."