A review by dwinprincess
Broken Like You by Luna Pierce


Johnny and Claire are two young adults that haven't always had the easiest life. Johnny not knowing his father and losing his mother at a young age. Claire having a great dad, but a mom that just never wanted to be a mom.

When their paths collide, it is nothing less than dynamite and fireworks. Both broken, in their own ways, just needing to find a way to heal and learn to love. Their path isn't easy, and it gets awfully scary, but together, they are on the path together.

From the East coast, to the west coast, back to the East Coast, follow their story, and see how HEAs do happen, but not without loss along the way.

This broke me at times. Tears fell, happy, and at too many times, sad. I am forever grateful to Luna Pierce for writing this and allowing me to read her story. It's a LONG journey, but it is one you should take.