A review by the_evergrowing_library
Gone South by Robert R. McCammon


Ok, ok, ok, it’s no surprise to anyone that I love Robert McCammon’s works, but there are still some better than others….. and he might disappoint one day!

Gone South, isn’t that day. This was another great read. It’s not his best for me personally, but it was still a very good book.

The way McCammon writes is wonderful in both his use of language in his writing and also in that you genuinely have no idea where the story is going to take you. You think you have an idea of what will happen and that is just totally pulled out from under you.

Dan is a great lead and I felt for him the whole time. Add in the other supporting cast(a couple of which you’d think I’d have dropped some strong drugs if I described to you) that also felt unique and with their own ideals and you have a wonderful line up.
The pace carried really well and was full of curveballs throughout and I found the ending to be a nice little stopping point.