A review by divinefolly
Love in Rewind by Tali Alexander



If I could have skipped the first third of this book I would have adored this book with my whole heart. I could have done without Emily being a naive, insecure douche nugget. One thing I hate seeing in books (or any form of media) is slut shaming - whether it be yourself or others. I don't like having that message out there that you are "slut" or "whore" because you performed sexual acts and enjoyed it. I am just incredibly happy that the character shows growth.

I loved loved loved the idea that Emily and her bestie have a secret code where they talk to each other in 80s song lyrics! I even understood most of the references. Thanks parents!

I also really praise Tali for writing a lead male character that seems to be in tune with his emotional side and isn't completely f***ed in the head, although he is kind of crude.

A good first novel. Can't wait to see what else she writes :)