A review by alexblackreads
Most Likely by Sarah Watson


I did not expect to like this book at all, but I adored it. I would highly, highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys lighthearted YA contemporaries because this book was everything.

I loved the friend group. All four of them were fantastic and well developed characters. They all had interesting stories and personalities. Usually in books with multiple POV characters, there's at least one that bores me, but I genuinely enjoyed all of their sections. I could've read an individual book about any one of those characters.

Despite being on the lighter end of the spectrum, this book had enough gravitas to keep me invested. It was always going to be a happy book, but it still had depth and high enough stakes that I really cared. I even cried a bit at the end because it just hit me so hard emotionally. I almost never cry at happy books or happy moments, so that was incredibly impressive.

The main thing I didn't enjoy was the whole president aspect of this book. One of the girls in this friend group is going to be the first female president. It's the main thing that turned me off and the reason I almost unhauled this without reading it. I felt towards it pretty much exactly how I expected. It was gimmicky and kind of pointless and didn't add anything to the book expect a kind of "whodunit" aspect. But to be honest, it's completely irrelevant to most of the book. It's only really a focus of the prologue and epilogue, so ignoring those is pretty easy and the rest of the book is fantastic. (I wouldn't recommend actually not reading them because it does affect how you experience the ending a bit, but they don't matter to the book overall.)

I feel like this is going to be a book I reread in a few years. I genuinely can't recommend it enough. It's just one of those happy making books that still makes me smile to think about.