A review by katyanaish
Midlife Demon Hunter by Shannon Mayer


Well, I rounded the last book up to a reluctant 4 stars, and I'm done with that. This gets two.

Every problem has just continued to build.

Her ex is a bag of shit and she still lets him get away with treating her like garbage. Yeah, yeah,
Spoilerhe's dead now. But not because she stood up for herself or made him pay for what he's done. And now she never will. And she's still letting his fucking ghost manipulate and talk shit about her. Why is she helping him? Bind him to some fucking toilet paper and flush him!
She's just so unbelievably fucking spineless.

And no, I don't find the ducking to be cute. And it's fucking constant.

The Corb situation just gets worse and worse. He still lies to her, manipulates her, sent her in to deal with fucking Annie without a fucking heads up! And she just rolls over for all of it. She sucks up his constant mistreatment of her, and every fucking time, no matter how far he has crossed the line yet a-fucking-gain, she brushes it off in like 1 second. I hate him, and her constantly swallowing every speck of his shit has made me start to hate Bree.

Also, fucking lol that Corb is one of
Spoilerthe council's top investigators. He's a fucking moron. In every book of this series, he's gotten played by the bad guys and made a constant chain of bad choices. He's a fucking moron. If he's one of their top guys, they must all be fucking terrible. No wonder Savannah is being overrun with evil. He was working for the evil councilman in the last 2 books! He's the fucking reason Alan was able to fuck Bree over!

Corb belittles and undercuts Bree just as much as Alan ever did. And he lies to her and manipulates her into dangerous situations without informing her or asking for her help. I want to underscore this: as far as I am concerned, Corb is worse than Alan. But apparently that's all okay with Bree because he's hot.

Fucking eyeroll.

And then in this book, Crash has started to piss me off. What the fuck is his problem? And why did he do that, down by the goblins? I don't think he meant the house stuff the way Bree took it, but he was definitely being a douchebag.

The only guy I like in this series is Robert, and I'm half-convinced Robert is related to her. So, meh.

I don't know that I'll continue with the series. At this point, I doubt it. I don't want to see yet more of Alan dominating her life with this police shit. And her continuing to happily roll with being treated this way. It's fucking tiresome.