A review by stephanielee
Gypsy Hunted by Andrea Drew


I really wanted to like this book more. I liked the plot- Gypsy is a bit of a psychic (I think at one point she refers to herself as a bit of an empath) who is walking home after meeting with friends (and a hot new man, Connor Reardon) and finds herself interrupting a kidnapping. She wakes in the hospital, barely alive and wanting to find the kidnapper to save the woman and also to exact revenge for almost killing her. Gypsy uses her connection to her teenage niece to get Connor (who is a detective) to tell him the details and catch this person. Connor has some secrets and it gets out that this kidnapping victim worked for the police station and has a list of all the dirty cops. So there are a lot of twists and drama in finding the kidnapper, who is good/bad, who can be trusted. The thing I didn't like was how Gypsy used her niece- she shared her experience of being almost murdered with her niece, which was a lot for her to handle. She blatantly skips over seeing her niece's thoughts about being sad and lonely as Gypsy becomes hell bent on revenge. I may read more of these books, but it's not high on my reading list.