A review by em_thebookish_girl
The Sky Between Us by Mia Kun


This is my first read by Mia Kun; The Sky Between Us is a standalone and slow burn sports romance. Navigated from Hazel and Aiden's perspective. I really enjoyed reading Hazel and Aiden's story!! I definitely need to read more sports romance! As soon as I started reading, I had so many questions that I need answers to! To the outside world, Hazel can be seen as being a "cold hearted person" even a b*tch; she has a tough exterior. She locks up all her emotions and shoves them deep down inside her soul. She might have an unbreakable tough facade, but Hazel is a gentle, sad and lonely character. She has vulnerable character and its revealed a bit more as I turned each page. A life changing incident occured and ultimately, it pushed her to become the person she is today. She has certain fears and she's hiding a secret. And then we have our hero, Aiden.

Aiden is the first person in a real long time to notice her; truly seeing her, aware of the guard she has up. On the surface, Hazel seems unaffected, but deep down this terrifies her. It scares her how Aiden is able to crack her facade and see her true emotions. And Aiden is curious about her and won't stop until he breaks down her defences, and unawarely he is successfully in doing so. Ahh, can I just say that I easily swoon over heroes who interact so well with kids!! Aiden and Sky clicked from the moment they met!! I mean, who wouldn't? Sky is such an adorable little boy!! I loved how persistent Aiden was! He didn't give up! With Aiden's help, Hazel slowly came out of her shell. She became more confident and she began to let go of her fears. And I really enjoyed seeing their relationship evolving throughout the book. But the last few pages, it was heartfelt and heartbreaking at the same time.

Hazel's father is the university's soccer team's Coach. She's more of a loner, preferring not mingle with anyone. However, she wasn't always like this, an incident drastically changed her life forever. She's really good at concealing her emotions. She has a fortress around her, she keeps her guard up at all times. And she makes sure that nobody can easily see or read her inner thoughts. Until he came along. Aiden is a soccer player; he's the captain of the team. From the very first moment Aiden met Hazel, he was surprised with Hazel's behavior. He isn't used to the opposite sex not falling for his charms or advances. They are both attracted to each other. But Hazel, doesn't want to put her heart on the line, again. And Aiden, well, he's relentless or more like determined. You could say that he can be seen as being c*cky, but he's not. He's a great athlete, and he worked pretty darn hard to get to place he is. But to him, he always gets want he wants, and he set his sights on Hazel.

**I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review