A review by thebookboy
Why Mummy Drinks by Gill Sims


A very funny, keenly observed book that made me very happy that I do not have children. However, even without being a parent I could appreciate a lot of the humour, the very middle class British setting and the general tomfoolery of it all. It made me laugh out loud a few times, which for me is pretty rare when reading!

I will say that it is very over the top and entirely unlikely in lots of ways, but I set these criticisms aside mostly because it was fun and, frankly, isn't that the point?

The ending was slightly disappointing, however, though with three other books in the series I'm sure there's lots more fun to be had if I choose to continue the series. I'm not sure if I will (this is not the usual sort of book I read so have to be in the right mood for pure comedy stuff like this) but I'm glad i read this one for sure. Would definitely recommend to any mothers who need a giggle.

4 stars.