A review by babblingchatterreads
Gravity by H.J. Bellus


Freaking HJ Bellus does it again! This is another one of those reads that will have you in a book hangover for days!

"Just relax . It's going to hurt just like any love story. There's always pain mixed in with the beautiful moments. It's what makes the cycle of love so amazing and priceless."

The tingles, the goosebumps, the chills and more! This is a love story that will have you saying WTF?!?! then become utterly speechless! This one hurt (more than one occasion) and is one ride that will never be forgotten. Be prepared for the ugly & sweet emotions to squeeze your heart into pieces. Just when I thought I knew (or was anticipating) what was going to happen the author screws up my mind even more. Nothing could have prepared me for all the heart filled moments and twists that the author throws at you.

"It's in moments like these I realize all the heartache was worth it. The pain and scars have sculpted the perfect story."

The journey of this story is best and worth the experience of being surprise. I will say to take this read and just feel and be one with the characters. It was deep and soul shattering to the point of no return.