A review by ktc8
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake


“We aren’t normal; we are gods born with pain built in.”

“We are not the same.” “How are we different?”

“Did he even understand what existed at his fingertips? Did any of them?”

oh my GOD this was so much more than I’d thought it’d be, and man I loved it! I need a second book now. the plot twists, the behind the scenes actions, everything… i was so into it

it was really dense in some ways and took a bit for my little brain to wrap around but in a good way— how do u make magic real? tangible and intagible and accessible and beyond comprehension—it seemed like that was what the characters went through and what we as readers were also supposed to feel. the writing is so interesting and im putting it in the same pile of Writing In Books That Make Me Feel Some Type of Way, with Starless Sea, Bear and the Nightengale, Jasmine Throne, etc. i love the way wrote bc we never truly got answers, like the intitiates, until she wanted us to. what an experience.

at first i was iffy about the characters and i really hated Collum bc he scared me, but it was so interesting to see them develop and their intricacies with each other. i still cant fully tell who is who (of the guys) from the little drawings, but what a cool thing to add to a book!