A review by mandalor3960
Acres of Diamonds by R. H. Conwell


I believe this is a great speech in explaining how every man can start a business with nothing and even in his own area. I enjoyed the talk about traditional values, understanding the value of money, and the dangers of inheritance. But I can't agree with his underlying core belief in how Christianity supports capitalism. Take for example one of his arguements refering to a pious man:

"I have no more right to sell goods without making a profit on them than I have to overcharge him dishonestly beyond what they are worth."

Really? This just blows my mind. I don't think there's anything wrong in not making profit. It's almost like charity.

It seems like he goes to far at times in deeming how capitalism is a God-given right and "God is telling you know to go and get rich". Sounds an awful lot like manifest destiny...

In supporting man's God-given right to Capitalism, he does interpret one Bible verse, 1st Timothy 6:10: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

He makes the argument that the verse is referring to greed. That someone can pursue different avenues in expanding his business without being greedy. Is that so? I find it very interpretative and subjective.

Rating Update 3/12/2019 - 3 to 2 stars. I was too generous with the 3 stars. I didn't really enjoy it.

Rating Update 4/6/19- 2 stars to 1 star. Just the whole biblical support for Capitalism put me off. It's a lecture and I didn't enjoy reading 30 pages and felt it could've been shortened.

August 31, 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a one star rating is befitting. The original review and rating updates conform to the new rating system. The main reason behind retaining the one star rating is because of the rating update from April 6, 2019. For further support for this rating choice, read the original section of the review.