A review by lizlbarrett
The Stars Undying by Emery Robin


I'm not sure how to review this one. I had a lot of problems with it but ultimately enjoyed it.

There's a trend in speculative fiction right now where authors take real history and change the names and call it fantasy. Maybe a small fantastical element is sprinkled in, but the book largely reads like a Wikipedia page. Examples of this trend to me include The Grace of Kings and Victory City.

Generally I have a problem with this trend because real history doesn't have a linear plot, and when I sign up for a speculative fiction I want a strong plot. These kinds of books can come across as overly long, meandering, and without a point. I read them and think "this had a kernel of a good idea but needed a strong editor to cut 2/3 of the filler out."

The Stars Undying falls into this camp. I would in fact describe it as overly long, meandering, and in need of a ruthless editor. And yet... I still enjoyed it.

The worldbuilding and ideas were new enough that it didn't read like a textbook. It innovated enough on the core history that it felt fresh. I connected with the characters and thought it had an impressive sense of scale. Do I think giant swaths of it are only included because it's what Caesar actually did and don't add anything of value? Yes. Was I still emotionally moved when Caesar is
, more than I would have thought possible? Also Yes. Do I think marketing it as an epic lesbian romance when that takes up less than 10% of the novel at the very back end is a bit disingenuous? Yes but I'm willing to blame the marketing team.

This book managed to transcend my general dislike of this trend, and so I will give it a salute and 4 stars. It is a good book that is composed of a great book being choked by 200 pages of filler