A review by mathman329
Lute by Jennifer Thorne


2022 Book Review - Book No. 21: “Lute” by Jennifer Thorne

Date started: 11/19/22
Date finished: 11/22/22

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(would recommend reading this if you’re a fan of folk horror, the British isles, and shared trauma)

Spoiler free review: Well, this book was a ride. It may have been the NyQuil I’d been taking for a nasty cold, but every night I read this book, it completely seeped into my dreams. I have to admit that’s the first time thats ever happened! Part of it was probably the meds, but most of it certainly was the intensity of the story that definitely makes this a worthy entry into the horror genre.

Without giving too much away, the basic premise is that the fictional island of Lute, an island off the coast of England, provides its inhabitants with a trouble free life - though it comes at a cost. Every 7 years, the idyllic island requires a sacrifice of 7 people. The story follows an American woman who has married into one of Lute’s families, it’s most premiere in fact, and we experience The Day with her as she experiences it for the first time.

Like many tales along the same lines, Thorne’s story skirts the question of exactly what happens on The Day until it finally commences. From that point, the tension that builds throughout leads to only a handful of logical conclusions. While it wasn’t entirely predictable, I’m not sure if there was a more suitable outcome at the end. What I would’ve enjoyed a bit more of was an exploration of the island and its mechanics. As it was, I suppose some things are better left to the imagination, or perhaps the eventual sequel/prequel. In the end, this was a solid 4 star read for me and I would highly recommend it.