A review by kazuchuu
The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee


“The whole goddamn world is too much. It’s all too loud. Why is it so much louder for me than anyone else? Doesn’t anyone hear the screaming all the time?”

I deeply underestimated how much I missed the Montague siblings, because I absolutely devoured this book. I just couldn’t put it down. Mackenzie Lee’s ability to tackle sensitive topics while still maintaining her signature witty writing will never cease to amaze me. This book is emotional and funny and clever and the only complaint I have is that I wish it were longer, or that there were more books in the series, because these characters are living in my head rent-free right now. It was so lovely to see the cast back together—in various ways—including, obviously, new additions like our protagonist Adrian and the brilliant Louisa. God, I loved Louisa; she deserves a book of her own.

Adrian’s journey, both the literal and metaphorical one, is far from easy. His battles are some of the hardest anyone can face, and a lot of times he despairs at the obstacles in his path. But he gets back up, he tries again, he persists, and he’s incredibly strong for that. I also loved how, towards the book’s end,
Spoilerhe is surrounded by friends and family who will support him through anything and everything he needs. I was so happy for him; a good support system goes a long way, especially on days that feel darker and gloomier than the rest.

I can’t believe I didn’t know about this book sooner. Easily one of my best reads this year so far.
