A review by turtleofbabel
Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann


This is one of those books where it's hard to find reviews and discussions that aren't focused on its form or style. The size and style of the book are going to be very off-putting for many, but I found the string of thoughts just interesting enough to keep me moving forward. It was fun to piece together her life and suss out who each person was, but I have unanswered questions, including WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE BEE AT BREAD LOAF??? Also, at one point, her oldest child says she's not white. It's unclear whether she's saying it as a strange response to an old movie or whether she really isn't white. Maybe the ambiguity is intentional and designed to make you think (if so, it's working).

Overall, I'm glad I read it, but I haven't found the scathing political statement or satirical take on American culture that I was promised. (Though I'm still chewing on the story, so maybe I will.) There's plenty mention of politics, politicians, and current events, but there was no clever *statement* on them, per se, rather just mentions of certain tragedies and worries that are unfortunately all too common these days.