A review by iam_griff
Justice League, Volume 4: The Grid by Geoff Johns


There’s a lot going on in this graphic, the beginning didn’t make much sense, but after seeing some of the other reviews that this could’ve been split up into 2 different stories (main reason first half confused me since half story was part of a different title). There were so many characters that just appeared without any real explanation of why they were there.

Is it me or does DC seem to over use the Crime Syndicate? Maybe I’ve read too many Justice League graphics & they seem to surface a lot.

This isn’t a slam against Geoff Johns or his writing, but a criticism against DC & how they format their graphics. The art by Ivan Reis is beautiful.

Somehow I never bought vol 5 of New 52 Justice League, but have volume 6. So I guess I’ll have to miss out on (insert sarcasm) on the Crime Syndicate story.