A review by ezrasupremacy
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley


4.5 ⭐️ rounded up

(my goodreads just crashed as i was almost done with typing this review, so i don’t know how willing i am to repeat myself. longer review may follow.)

this was completely different from what i was expecting, and i was also not expecting to love this as much as i did.

everything about this was just fantastic. the execution is phenomenal, and i would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall as the author was plotting this out. absolutely masterful planning.

what i think really makes one love this book as much as one (me) does, is just how lovable all the characters are. while i had some doubts about them at the start, i fell in love with them all by the end, and i cannot even begin to describe how fuzzy certain scenes made me feel. my poor, soft heart.

i usually don’t buy many physical copies of books i haven’t read yet, and if i do it takes me quite a while of consideration, but for some reason i was drawn enough to the premise of this (wherever i may have first heard of it — i have absolutely no clue) to buy the entire duology plus that other little book, tho i haven’t got a clue how that fits into things right now. my god, am i thankful for my sometimes irrational decision making, bc the thought that i can start the sequel right away tomorrow brings me great joy right now.

anyway, this review was very self indulgent. absolutely lovely book, definitely not fantasy, no clue why goodreads has listed it as such. (not that i’m complaining, i don’t actually like fantasy all that much)