A review by jen286
Accidental Man Whore by Katherine Stevens


This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

Accidental Man Whore was a fun read. Ben was so adorably clueless. He is not good at picking up the clues and knowing what is going on. Oh, he was fun.

Ben works watering plants in an office building. He started this company not that long ago and makes enough to live, but is not making a ton of money. Some of his clients are a bit scary in how strong their personalities are, but he is a good guy and gets his work done.

Miryam is getting married. To the perfect guy. They both are attorneys, they both know what they want, it is going to be great. Maybe not a grand, passionate relationship, but perfect for what she wants.

When Ben's dad is diagnosed with cancer he will do almost anything to get the money to pay for his treatment. So he tries to get some more plant watering business, but his boss at the office building has another idea. Just go to some parties and keep the ladies happy. Easy peasy. And it pays a lot more than Ben could hope to make in an evening doing anything else. So of course he agrees. Oh, he was so adorable. He doesn't realize what is going on until he is in it. He was so much fun.

Miryam thought her fiance was perfect, only to find out that he doesn't actually want to marry her. Right before the wedding. So now she will have to tell her grandmother, the person closest to her whose health is not the best, that she is not getting married. Her grandmother will be devastated so what will she do? Hire someone to play her fiance of course. Only Ben is that someone and they have had a run in before. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Now I will say I really didn't like Miryam for most of the story. She was soooo judgemental and awful! I was yelling at her a lot in my head while reading her parts. She thinks she knows Ben when she doesn't know anything. And she treats him not so good because of what she thinks she knows of him and ah! I didn't like her. But I still enjoyed reading her. Which is odd.

Through all of this, through being a fake fiance and spending time together, these two grew closer. Oh I enjoyed this story. It was fun. Ben and Miryam and everything they go through. I so enjoyed reading thier story.

*Note: I received a free copy of this book for voluntary review consideration