A review by thechanelmuse
This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You by Susan Rogers, Ogi Ogas


As a person who was enrolled in a sonic arts program and obtained a BFA in Music and Audio Production well over 10 years ago, I made sure to grab a knife and fork before I dived into This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You. This is right up my musical, analytical alley. Susan Rogers, who was Prince's sound engineer and currently teaches at Berklee College of Music, delivers a unique approach into the science and soul of music that creates an interactive experience for readers to understand their musical appetite and discover which listener profile — authenticity, realism, novelty, melody, lyrics, rhythm, or timbre — is their "sweet spot."

"We each seek out different sorts of experiences and emotional rewards from our musical encounters. Some listeners favor songs that evoke sweet nostalgia, while others crave a groove that matches their inner rhythm. Some listeners prefer to let their imaginations wander freely when they enjoy their favorite records, while others visualize specific scenes evoked by a song's lyrics. Some listeners covet innovative sound design, while for others it's all about that bass."

I already knew where I landed — the timbre profile — well before I began reading, but it's a treat to go through the process in the shoe's as an alternative profile before you find your Goldilocks group. This book doesn't drag down a daunting path when it comes to any technological or neuroscience aspect. From the average listener to a producer, it's straightforward for music enthusiasts at any level.