A review by christiana
The Downside of Being Up by Alan Sitomer


Maybe I'm missing something, but I was not that impressed with this book. Then again, I am not a middle school boy (or a male at all, for that matter) so I'm willing to think it's just not geared towards my demographic. However, you know that scene in Mulan where she says she never wants to see a naked man again and then all these naked men run past her? That's what this book was like in a way. I don't need to read any more synonyms for a penis (bologna pony? That's a thing?) OR hear about the newest gross out tactic (putting a booger on a cockroach's back is just nasty) for a long long time.

I do give this book props for explaining that it's completely normal to get tons of erections over nothing, although it sure took the long way around to do it.