A review by amybraunauthor
Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster


A fun, sexy romantic adventure with vampires, werewolves, scheming aristocrats, sassy women, and a whole heap of action scenes. This story is light on the steampunk but heavy on the drama and romance, and was just what I wanted!

The main character, Honoria, is a stout leader who does all she can for the people she cares about. Her traumatic past made many of her choices sympathetic and understandable. Her modest and propriety were a perfect foil for Blade, who is about as rough and tumble as a man can get. Their banter and drama really did drive the book, even though Blade really did step into the role of an Alpha male. Still, Honoria kept up with him, and I truly loved learning her secrets to understand her better.

The world building is fun and solid for all those who love supernatural books and stories about hierarchies and spies. There were teases to some other characters who will have books of their own, and I look forward to seeing where they go, as they left quite an impression.

I was surprised at the amount of action and violence in the book, but combined with the monsters and villains, it helped to ratchet up the tension. McMaster is an eloquent writer, which helped the romance and sex scenes raise to truly engaging heights.

For lovers of vampire romance, this is a book that should definitely be on your radar. It's fun, sexy, and sweeping. Definite recommend!