A review by sabrinap
The Becoming of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin


Will Contain spoilers about the Mara Dyer Trilogy
I'm baffled.
I don't know what to think about this book. Whether I hate it or I like it. It's right in the middle. So many great things about this book yet so many things that make me want to throw the book out the window. The Mara Dyer Trilogy was great. I enjoyed it thoroughly even though the last book wasn't the ending that I wanted our characters to have. Not really vibing with A.L knowing that he is literally Mara's grandfather and is making her life a living hell.
There were many things I didn't like about the book. Firstly, I don't understand this gene. In the book where they somewhat explained it has me even more confused. Like, I get this original carrier stuff but now explain to me how people such as Jamie have this gene BUT weren't genetically modified by Kells. This book also has a HUGE Trigger warning and is mostly around suicide. The number of suicides that happened throughout the book without a TW was just really unsettling. Imagine every other page in the book with Noah explaining THROUGHLY someone committing suicide. I'm not really for it. Also, don't get me started on the epilogue. No. I'm good.
Something I did like about the book was Noah POV. I think it was interesting to see how Noah thought of things happening. Also, Noah constantly questioning Mara! Holy shit, I loved that. Mara was all about their relationship being a little rocky but it was all for Noah while Noah thought of the same mentality but sometimes questions everything that Mara is doing. When developing deeper into the books "somewhat" storyline, Noah has this state where he believes Mara but at the same time doesn't. I thought it was interesting but this might appeal annoying to others. One thing I also liked was seeing Noah's mom POV on stuff that happened with Mara's grandmother which was explained throughout the second and third book of the Mara Dyer Trilogy. This book was just loaded with information that I understood but at the same time, didn't at all. The best part about this book (SPOILER ALERT, was how Noah's dad is finally dead. Thank the heavens. Hated that man with a fricken passion.)
So whether I hate the book or like it is just confusing. If you are really interested in Noah I would suggest you read the book but you probably will come out of it mad and with more questions. If you didn't like the end of the Mara Dyer Trilogy, trust me, this doesn't make it any better.
I'm still going to read the second book even though I feel like it might ruin everything for me. Yet this book somewhat did it lol. No hate to Michelle Hodkin at all but I think you should've ended this world with the Mara Dyer Trilogy with a complete ending instead of dragging it to the Shaw Confessions with storylines that most of the fandom might not be interested in. Leo tho is my baby boy.
So yea, here's my review on this book that I don't know what I feel on.