A review by 406knits
A Girl Named Summer by Julie Garwood


This sounds like a good read, and I've always loved Julie Garwood's novels. But this one, originally published back in 1986, is not the caliber of novel I've come to expect from Garwood. The main character, Summer, is a likeable high school student with a crush. She'll do everything--including exaggerate the truth--to have the boy, David, like her in return. We've all been there. From that aspect, this is a very relateable story. However, there was really no substance to it. When it ended, I just kept thinking "that's it? What was the message of this story?" It was not super entertaining, had no moral to the story, and was flat out disappointing. This story will cause me to rethink picking up any of Julie Garwood's novels in the future.

I received this book free from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.