A review by insomnolent_reader
One is a Promise by Pam Godwin


I could just hide the whole review but naaahhh.


I went into this without a lot of expectation since most smutty books aren't really my thing. But damn. Danni just owning her own sexuality made me like her as an MC and made this book bearable for me. Sexy, is what it was.

Danni met Cole 4 years ago and had an instant attraction even before their first words to each other. They spent 10 months falling harder in love until Cole got called to work overseas for a year. Before he left, he proposed and they promised each other to meet at the altar a year later... or a month before the date of their wedding anyway. But Cole never came back and was reported dead after not surviving an explosion, such is an auditor's job.

3 years later, Danni is starting to move on by her sister's coaxing. She was set up by her sister on a date but in the middle of it - Trace Savoy swoops in like a hawk and hounded her since then. Driving the date away and Danni fixating on this manly presence that fired an attraction in Danni since Cole.

Danni felt an instant attraction towards Trace's scowl and his air of confidence. Something about him the only person coming close to how Cole made her feel. Trace's blue eyes vs. Cole's dimples. I like dimples but I would also melt with the right hue of blue.

And then the sexual tension began... best I've ever read (I think?).

I'm not one to wallow with MCs and their lost first love but reading Danni's POV never made me feel it. Her character is playful and fun and not the self-pitying type that just cries every night for her lost love. We get to see some of it but the story didn't focus on it. She is a strong character and I like that.

Trace, the scowling man. He had a typical character where he is a none-smiling businessman but is soft for Danni. He is very interesting since he appears so cold and we really don't know much about him except his parents are dead and he inherited a lot of money, and runs an empire. He evoked Danni's need physical touch and helped her move on. For that, Trace wins for me.

It was nice to see the love story between him and Cole but I felt more connection with Trace. There was more glimpses into his character than Cole's. I'm not one for love triangles because I don't want the other one to lose except you, Adam Kent. But this book was barely it. It was more the memory of a a man vs the present one.

The only thing I couldn't connect to is how Danni just dances to every song. Literally. Wiggles when there's music. I can't.

"My life began the day we met. There is no before. Only you."
- Trace

"No." He snorts arrogantly. "But anyone with a dick knows how to change brakes." - Also by Trace. Fuck you, Trace. Watch my vagina learn how to. xD

Back to my first statement - that ending - I fuckin knew it.