A review by whatyoutolkienabout
Everything I Learned About Racism I Learned in School by Tiffany Jewell


I feel I need to preface this review with two things, firstly I am from the UK and this book focuses on the USA, however I fully believe it can be applied to any country that is predominately populated by white people. Second I am a white, cis female and while I am part of the LGBTQ+ community I am painfully aware that I will never be subjected to any of the things covered here. I can honestly say I have never felt so angry while reading mostly at the obvious injustice but partly because I could recognise some of the examples from when I was at school.

I firmly believe this book should be on every syllabus of every school not only in America but other countries as well. Jewell does not hold back explaining and guiding readers through her experiences and others as well. I have no doubt the examples and personal stories will resonate with many POC. I particularly think many will find not only a sense of catharsis that their experiences are not singular but no doubt will also feel anger, as I have said I did myself and I am still mad as I write this. But I also believe that many will find help in the templates and resources the book offers. But for the white reader I believe this book will also be help. It will help to make us realise what injustices and racism go on right in front of our eyes, instilled in us from a young age by the very institutes that are meant to help teach us. Sadly in the current climate across the world this book is exactly what is needed, even if it shouldn’t be in 2024. It is powerful, factual and thought-provoking.