A review by sim_96
Save Me from Dangerous Men by S.A. Lelchuk


This book had a lot of promise, a bad-ass lead, that takes no crap from no one and does what she wants? Sure, sign me up.
However, the execution of this book left me mostly bored.
Nikki Griffin, a bookstore owner by day and a vigilante by night. She kicks ass and takes names. Sure, she can fight, sure she knows how to get herself out of bad situations but mostly Nikki is just a tad bit annoying. Lelchuk puts Griffin in a category of female that is unattainable, she tries to make her seem cool, calm and everything other women want to be. But Griffin's character was never fleshed out, sure we get a bit of her history but it's in such short bursts that all we learn about her is that she doesn't talk much and when she does it seems to be in riddles.
Secondly, the writing, my god. If. I. Have. To. Read. Short. Sentences. For. Most.Of. The. Book. I. Want. To. Shoot. Myself. Sure, in some scenes short, quick sentences are needed but for majority of the book this is the case, leaving you thinking something is about to happen at every turn. Give the reader a break, make your sentences longer. Near the end of the book this was happening, almost as if the author realised what was happening but couldn't be bothered changing the beginning.

The plot was okay, something new, although a little hard to follow with all the wild goose chases and weird flashback stories of the main character. THe extra smaller plots could have been left out, or changed or just left out. We were told a heck of a lot about what happened and how it affected Nikki but never shown

In the end it took me a while to get through this book because i found it not all that great and not all that interesting.