A review by littlecornerreads
The Dashwood Sisters Tell All: A Modern-Day Novel of Jane Austen by Beth Pattillo


Rating: 2.5-3 stars
What you see is what you get. Just read the summary, and you'll know exactly what to expect. The title says it all; it's "a modern day novel of Jane Austen." Take it for what it is, and you might be pleasantly surprised (or not.) But if you take it too seriously, you're definitely in for a disappointment, so don't set your standards too high. It's not going to be the next great piece of literature. It's light. It's fluffy. It's essentially published fanfiction. If you're looking for some lighthearted fun, go for it. If you're looking for something more substantial, might I suggest a lovely little book called Sense and Sensibility?

(I do have to admit, though, the whole diary nonsense took the story to a whole new level of unrealistic.)