A review by denali_epub
This Adventure Ends by Emma Mills


I absolutely adored this novel. I went in on a recommendation from a friend with tentative feet, because contemporary novels don’t usually do a whole lot more me. However, Emma Mills has completely changed the game.

Sloan, our main character, is a hoot. I’m hard pressed to find a more relatable YA character. Her interactions with all our other characters were witty and sarcastic, all the while managing to convey a surprising amount of depth considering 90% of the novel is written for humor. In fact, all the characters were amazing. There’s only one I didn’t particularly bond with, and she spent so little time on that page that it ended up not really mattering in the end.

But if we’re talking about favorites... Sloan’s dad! He’s a writer struggling to get past a block and write a new novel, and he’s fantastic. His larger portion of page time is a growing obsession with Were School (sort of the books Teen Wolf and Vampire Diaries mashup), and his devolving into the online world and becoming a fanfic writer to move past his block. He was hilarious, and, as a writer, his scenes became some of my favorite parts of the book.

Characters aside, the plot line was simple but it really worked for me. The day to day life of Sloan is remarkably low on drama, which turned out in the books favor. While the content doesn’t have you on the edge of your seat, tearing through pages like a madman, I did sit down and finish this book in less than 24 hours. In a few words, This Adventure Ends was simple perfection, and I can’t wait to read more from Emma Mills.