A review by lydsansthekidd
Nolan by James Crawford


In the other two books, I didn't see as many errors as other people were mentioning. This book though was riddled with them. On multiple occasions, I had to reread lines to hash out what was trying to be conveyed. Words were constantly missing or needlessly repeated. It was distracting.

The entire ending of this book was pretty anti-climatic. Nolan's death was absolute garbage. He tries to commit suicide to save Caleo (also Jack had no qualms about shooting him if he didn't which is messed up). Then, Steve, who has been a thorn in this book's side the entire time because he's clearly the baddie yet we somehow get hung up on Alix, kills him. I'm almost willing to forgive it because yes, he did claim at the beginning that he would be the one to kill his brother, but it makes Nolan's already stupid gesture worse because it means that Steve got his essence which means Caleo is still dying.

To save the day, Jack becomes a Leech in the worst and biggest example of Deus Ex Machina I've ever seen. He gets all of the powers that he's ever seen from the Angel? Really? And he has complete mastery over all of them so that he can save the day, but more importantly to him Caleo. We're not even gonna explain the whole Angel appearing to him thing? Like... it was weird and didn't make much sense to me after what we've been told about the Angel up until this point.

To be clear, I'm not mad that Jack is a Leech. I assumed that eventually he would be. I was waiting for it in book 2 to be honest. I'd have been super fine with that. Sure, you loose the character that the reader is supposed to relate to because he's human, but again, I'd have been fine with that. What I'm not fine with is this Rogue X-Men garbage. I didn't even think it was great when Caleo could use other people's powers by touching them, but at least I could accept it. Jack just being able to call powers to his memory exactly at the right second that he needs them. No, unacceptable.

I definitely feel that there was a better way to end this series. I feel awful for basically just crapping on this last book, but honestly, I expected more.