A review by jacquelinec
Another Faust by Dina Nayeri, Daniel Nayeri


Another Faust is a decent first outing from co-authors, and siblings, Daniel and Dina Nayeri. In the realm of young adult paranormal fiction, this novel is stands out due to its premise alone. Based on the classic German legend, the story woven by the authors is built on a solid, pre-established foundation. That said, it's rather easy to ruin a story through a retelling. Countless horrid Jane Austen remakes and spin-offs can attest to that. However, the Nayeri duo don't deserve to be lumped in with that bunch.

While the secondary characters are somewhat lacking in characterization, they aren't very essential to the story. The five central teenagers are all well-drawn and their combined evilness, depravity, loneliness, and sorrow is all but palpable. Part of what kept me from giving this story a solid B though, was the fact that I didn't find any of these teens sympathetic enough. Even with the ones that we're obviously meant to root for in the end, it was a case of too-little, too-late. Another reason for the "B-/C+" - Their ring-leader from hell, Madame Vileroy, is only alright as far as villains go. Sure, she's as bad as can be, but she also falls short of being truly fearsome. The best villains usually draw from some sort of pain or failure to propel their evil plans and Vileroy, being a bit two-dimensional, could not manage this and seemed all the more unreal because of that. Ultimately, this lack in Vileroy made the climax and conclusion feel unsatisfying.

Although I was expecting a pretty creepy tale, Another Faust happened to be even more creepy than I expected. The subplots are all disturbing in the best of ways and, despite the fact that the story meanders a bit midway through and takes a little too long to get to the action, they come together rather well...

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