A review by scoutmomskf
A Navy SEAL's Surprise Baby by Laura Marie Altom


Fantastic book with a lot of emotion. Calder is desperately trying to cope with being a father, and engages the help of Pandora as Quinn's nanny. She does a fantastic job and soon has the household running smoothly. He is attracted to her but knows that's inappropriate since she works for him. He also senses she's keeping something from him. When her past comes out he reacts badly and things fall apart. Once he has calmed down he realizes that he needs to regain her trust to have any kind of a future.

Pandora is finally getting her life back together. We first met her as one of the girls that Ellie was counseling in A SEAL's Secret Baby. Now she's sober, employed and trying to regain custody of her daughter. I love her determination to get it right, but her desire to do it on her own keeps her from the support she could have. She loves her job as Quinn's nanny and does a great job at it. She's fascinated by Calder but knows that anything between them would be wrong. The more time they spend together as they care for Quinn the more she grows to like him. When she tells him about her past she is devastated by his reaction. I loved the way that she picked herself up and started over. I also liked the way that she didn't give in to Calder's persuasions when he came back to her, but did work out a compromise. It gave them more time to get to know each other. I loved the realism of Pandora's struggle to redeem herself and get her daughter back. I ached for her at her hearing and loved Calder's actions as he tried to help her. It was great to see how the friends she made came through for her.

Calder was great. He was so used to his carefree bachelor life that he was especially thrown when he found out he was a father. I liked the way he stepped up and was trying to do his best. He wasn't going to hire Pandora because she was young, but when she saved Quinn from choking he decided to give her a chance. Seeing how good she was with the baby made him really notice how he wasn't so good. He was still having a hard time really bonding. He wasn't having any trouble bonding with Pandora. The more he was with her the more he felt like they were a family. Finding out about her past he over reacted and really messed things up. I loved the way that his mom pointed out that he jumped all over Pandora because then his faults didn't look so bad. I loved the way that he was so surprised when she didn't agree to come right back to care for Quinn. I enjoyed his reaction to the compromise and loved seeing him finally really connect with Quinn. He really did a lot of changing during those weeks. I loved his statement to her at the end "Woman, if you're going to be in a relationship with a SEAL there's one thing you need to learn up front. We never quit. We're like human bulldozers - mowing down anything - anyone - in our way to make the seemingly impossible happen." I loved the ending and the epilogue.