A review by worldsbetweenpages
Forgotten Ghosts by Cass Kay



Favorite character: Vianna
Three words: creepy / entertaining / haunting
Favorite quote: Some part of her had thought she was different, that she could bond with Shuck and things would be different from the witches before her. But she wasn't different. She was just another tool for him to commit murder and mayhem.

After being bonded to the family familiar shuck, Vianna has a hard time adjusting to the new experience. Although the demon Shuck has bonded with the last eleven generations of her family, she cannot trust him, as all the Root witches were murderers and Vianna doesn't want to become a tool for the demon and start killing too.
Additionally, Vianna still has to deal with the members of Original Blood Coven who despise her and her status as a solitary witch, and who support her violent ex Charles in his ambition to become the new mayor.
Luckily, Vianna can count on her roommate and bestie Dee, who keeps her entertained with a booth at the witch market and the ridiculous idea of starting a ghost hunting service. When weird things start happening around and in the tunnel system below her childhood friend Tuck's hoodoo shop, the ghost hunter job becomes reality sooner than Vianna would have liked.
Of course, detective Eliott is also snooping around the weird occurrences, and he is so persistent that he, Vianna and Dee form an alliance, despite the centuries of antipathy and mistrust between witches and the police.

I read this book in 24h. I feel a bit guilty because of it, authors put so much time and effort into writing their books, but I just couldn't stop reading. The first book, Legacy Witches, was amazing and this one didn't disappoint either, which is not always the case with the second book of a series.
The main character Vianna deals a lot with the aftermath of what happened in the first book, her newly bond with the family familiar Shuck and her status as a solitary witch.
I feel like I'm always torn between there isn't enough happening and I would be perfectly contend reading about the main character's daily life and getting to experience all the witchy side stuff. Maybe there could have been a bit more action and drama in the first half, but I guess Vianna deserved some time to breath, after everything that happened.
I'm so happy for Dee to finally do "real" magic and I hope she finds her own way in the next book! Sometimes she feels a bit like the sidekick between Vianna and Elliott. Spoiler: I love that, with discovering Elliott's secret, we're getting a new group of people and I can't wait to learn more about them.
I believe there will be three books in this series but I definitely can see myself reading more. The magic system with the different witch covens and hoodoo practitioners is so interesting, I want to know more!

This book was kindly provided to me as a reviewers copy by Cass Kay.