A review by dnandrews797
The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien


What an excellent ending to a trilogy! I can’t think of a better way to wrap up a book that the way this one has. Aragorn raising the dead men and kings to come and fight in the final battle perfectly demonstrates his nobility and is an excellent way to resolve their lack of men in an epic way. Gollum becoming integral to the story and Frodos corruption was perfectly suspenseful, and my personal favourite part, Merry and Pippin leading the hobbits in rebellion against evil. Finally we can fully see the bravery and nobility of hobbits, which has been absent, save for the main characters,from the series.
I also think it was a wise decision to keep Frodo sad and traumatised after his journey. I always find it unrealistic that heroes never seem to have any lingering affects from the horrible things they encounter. My only critique is that I think Samwise should have gone with him to the undying lands. An excellent read though. A masterpiece of storytelling that I will always return to.