A review by soavezefiretto
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President by Bandy X. Lee


I was disappointed with the first part, which was basically a bunch of professionals (some of them more on the semi-professional side) debating over is it narcissism? is it dementia? is it psychopathy? It seemed fruitless and unnecessary, as was much of the second part, where the legitimacy or not of such attempted diagnoses was addressed. I understand why it had to be in the book, but - well, meh. The third part made up for most of the disappointment, though, because there the articles didn't deal with the diagnoses of Trump, but with *our* diagnoses. How about *our* narcissism? What ails the mind and soul of a society that would choose such a leader? And how can we heal?

So, if you are a somewhat obsessive follower of the Trump phenomenon, this might be a sufficiently interesting read. It would also be helpful if you don't think Jungian analysis or psychotherapy in any form are, you know, unscientific.