A review by kathydavie
Micah: An Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Novel by Laurell K. Hamilton


Thirteenth in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter erotic urban fantasy series starring Anita Blake in an alternate St. Louis, Missouri. Although, this story plays out in Philadelphia.

My Take
Short and fascinating, as Micah doesn't involve any other men than Micah since it takes place out of town. This one is a conflict for me. I love that Anita finally has time to spend with Micah. Just Micah. He is such an incredibly great guy who gives Anita all the space and support she needs. He even arranges for a fancy hotel so the two of them can enjoy being on their own, together, for hours. Not just the two hours or so when they go on a date. And what does Anita just have to do?? Yup, she's gotta try and ruin it. She freaks out when she has to experience another emotional "challenge" and her darkest secret is threatened.

I mean, c'mon. Micah books them into the Four Seasons and Anita gets mad because they're in a nice hotel with a nice room? She questions and badgers him. Poking and pushing, trying to prod Micah into a fight. What is her problem!?
"I took a deep breath and let it out, then nodded. 'It's a beautiful room, Micah.'

He smiled, and this time it reached his kitty-cat eyes. 'Just like that you'll try.'

I nodded. 'If it means that much to you, yes.'"
Well, duhhh, of course it means a lot to him that she appreciates the effort he's made. Jesus, what a b*tch! I so wanna smack her sometimes…!

I sure am glad Anita is getting therapy these days. I just wish it worked a lot faster. On the external side, the injuries she suffers in Micah means everybody knows. Lord knows how this will affect her working relationships.

The Story
Larry Kirkland has a crisis — his five-months-pregnant wife, Tammy, is going into labor and Larry is supposed to be on an 8am flight to Philly to raise a witness for the FBI.

Reluctantly, Anita agrees to take the assignment. She'll have to fly…damn. Worse, she'll have to take "food" with her as it will be a two-day trip. How is she supposed to explain bringing one of her men with her?

The Characters
Anita Blake is one of the most powerful necromancers in the United States, possibly the world. The vampires know her as "The Executioner"; she has more kills to her name than anyone. She's also the human servant to Jean-Claude, the Master of the City of St. Louis, and she's infected with the ardeur, a hunger for lust that needs to be satisfied every four to six hours.

Micah Callahan is the Nimir-Ra to Anita's Nimir-Raj. A leopard king to her queen. He's also the go-to guy for the Furry Coalition, which means he's as busy as Anita. Thankfully, they have Nathaniel, a stripper at Guilty Pleasures, who just loves playing house. Cooking. Cleaning. Baking. Decorating. It's the ideal arrangement for all three of them.

Special Agent Fox was the investigating agent when Micah was bitten by the rogue leopard. Now he's the agent in charge for Anita's witness raising in Philadelphia. Special Agent Franklin (from Obsidian Butterfly, 9) is his partner. The guy who has been filling his head with negativity about Anita.

Arthur Salvia is a mob lawyer and intends to question, eventually, Emmett Leroy Rose, the deceased accountant.

Animators, Inc is...
...the company of which Anita is a part. Bert is their amoral manager. Larry Kirkland is a fellow animator who just got married to Tammy, a St Louis detective (Incubus Dreams, 12).

The Cover and Title
I have no idea what the cover is supposed to be about. Obviously, it's meant to be Micah since the cover model has long blonde hair but the hair isn't curly. It's only wavy. And he just looks too big to be Micah. It also looks like he's crawling up a wall. What's with that?

The title certainly makes sense since Anita is finally having some alone time with Micah.